So my trip with Diani from Europe to China is coming to an end. It has been a great trip and I have seen so much, met so many people and I can now add a new chapter to my life. The countryside is so different from the big city.
Workers are sweeping the streets, watering the lawn and the trees by a hose. There are workers everywhere, dressed in their big straw hats, loose pants and shoes that look like slippers. I saw mothers on their mopeds with all of their children. There are often 3 kids: the youngest stands in front and the other two are behind her. The small trucks are so loaded with stuff, that you think they will fall over any minute. The houses are dark with laundry hanging on the balconies and chickens are running in the yard. I have not seen a dog or a cat. People are friendly, but don't say a word in English--not a word. At the hotel they greet you at the elevator, greet you leaving the hotel, greet you everywhere with a deep bow.
In the big city, it's so different. It's Very modern and the young generation looks just like they do any place in the world. It's still a mix between the old and the young, but you can see a huge difference. I even got my first coffee since I came here at Starbucks.
At the Asian Games, Diani's teammate, Cassandra, came in second and her brother was third. Even if they had hoped for gold, they were happy with their placings. So the show ended up great for the Malaysian team. We are all going out to dinner tonight to celebrate and also to have the last meal together for this trip. Diani will come to my room and send off some pictures, so you can see them, too. Some other friends will email me pictures later on, so I hope to eventually post some more.
So thanks for staying in touch! A big thanks to Diani who carried so much on her shoulders, organizing everything and doing everything in her power to make this adventure fun and exiting. And also thanks to her for riding so well and being such a wonderful person with a heart of gold!
And of course thanks to Anna who stayed home and took care of everything. Anna also carried a heavy load on her shoulders and without her this could never had been done. So to my little girls, there is hope in the world!!!!