It is an exciting time for Dressage in Canada right now. That very enthusiasm could be seen in each rider and auditor that participated in the series of clinics that Mette gave across Ontario in June 2010! From the first rider to the fortieth, Mette greeted each with dynamic encouragement, great analogies and a simple way to approach any "holes" in their work. For those watching the days progress, an easy to follow theme emerged of what to expect from your horses as well as yourselves. Always working to strengthen your horse, always moving towards correctness, straightness, and not avoiding the tough stuff! No one was let off the hook, and no one walked away without a much clearer understanding of how to ride better. While the message was a serious one of hard work and dedication, the way it was delivered, with so much laughter and stories that were understood by all, it was impossible to feel anything but invigorated about the future ! Mette has a great way of teaching the auditors just as much as the riders. It was fantastic learning and fun for everyone.
I know we are all counting down the days until we are fortunate enough to work with Mette in Canada again (unless of course, we can convince her to move here). Until then, we will all keep up the hard work, and be sure to keep watching that drifting shoulder, keep our hands soft and pay attention to geometry! Thanks Mette. We promise to make you proud!

Below are some testimonials from some of the students at the clinics:
Vera Bowman: Day 1 of the clinic in Niagara. A wonderful opportunity to ride with a true master. She was extremely tactful and patient. Great chance to have a clinician of her calibre here! Thank you Mette
Jenn B: It was a wonderful opportunity !!!!! Mette was awesome and SOOOO funny !!! I really enjoyed my lesson !!! Thank you Mette
Ashley Ayres: Great Day ! So nice to be given the chance to ride with Mette.
Julie Cudmore: Awesome clinic Sebastian and I had, and I was thrilled to finially meet Mette and take in all she had to share. She really is very down to earth and very knowledgeable, and what a sense of humor !! I love it ! Sebastian and I will work really hard so she can see the difference by next time.