Everything is going so fast and time is just flying by, that I have a hard following it all! But one thing is for sure: I love my horses!!!!
I have done two CDIs back- to-back. The day between the two, I flew out of state to look at a horse for one of my students and that horse is now at the barn. Life in the fast lane...
The first of the two CDI's was the Festival of the Horse in Burbank, where I competed Taison and Finally. Both are doing the same tests: Prix St. Georges and Intermediare. This was Finally's first CDI and his second time out in Intermediare I. Taison has not shown in many CDIs either, so 2010 is his first year competing at this level, as well. I do like to ride under the CDI judges, because they give you a feeling of where you are in your training and for sure don't give you any extra points if you don't deserve them!!! Eagles eyes!

The next show was att Rancho Murieta. Finally won both PSG and Int I and Taison was 4th in PSG and 3rd in Int. I. So that was another great weekend! (For complete results for both shows, visit the Results page.)
My horses at home are also doing well. Both Donatello and Rockefeller are working hard and are ready to go out as soon as I let them. It's hard and very expensive to bring them all out, so sometimes they have to stay home even if I would love to bring them all.
I have about two more weeks before the next big show and there is a lot to do before that. I hope to get some input from Steffen Peters about my riding and my horses. I am also flying out to the east coast to look at a horse for one of my students and then I have to get ready for the big show at Del Mar.
So.... no time for resting, but that has never been the way I like to live my life—so what else is new?!
I will keep you all posted.
Enjoy every day, because this is it!!!!!